"第一步:组建强大的团队并筹集资金" (Build a Strong Team and Secure Capital)




  • 寻找合作伙伴,而不仅仅是员工

  • 互补的技能

    • 如果您是主厨,不要再引入另一位主厨,而是寻找一位擅长客户服务和运营的前厅经理。
    • 如果您是优秀的前厅负责人,则需要寻找一位厨房方面的专家。 通过这种方式,团队中的每个成员都可以专注于自己的优势领域,确保效率与和谐。



  1. 勤奋的工作态度

    • 努力工作是不可妥协的条件。懒惰的合伙人不仅会无法完成自己的工作,还可能使其他团队成员丧失动力,导致效率低下和不和谐。
  2. 开放的心态和沟通能力

    • 在一个协作的环境中,没有人总是对的。成功的团队建立在开放的沟通基础上,每个人都可以为团队的共同利益贡献想法和建议。
  3. 良好的性格和态度

    • 积极的态度至关重要。不断争吵或消极的能量会制造有毒的环境,赶走员工,破坏团队士气。




  1. 主厨:负责食品准备、质量控制和厨房运营。
  2. 寿司主厨:管理寿司相关的运营,确保正宗和高水平。
  3. 前厅经理:负责客户服务、员工管理和整体用餐体验。






Step 1: Build a Strong Team and Secure Capital

No matter how skilled or talented you are, without the right team, success is unattainable. Many first-time restaurateurs make the mistake of opening their restaurant first and then scrambling to find help. This approach is not only inefficient but can also jeopardize the entire venture. A smarter strategy is to prioritize building your team first and involving them in the process from the start.

Start with the Team

  • Recruit Partners, Not Just Employees: Seek individuals who are not only passionate but also willing to invest in the business alongside you. When team members have both a financial and operational stake in the success of the restaurant, they are more committed. This approach ensures they share the risks and rewards with you—effectively achieving two goals at once: securing talent and capital.

  • Complementary Skills: When building your team, focus on finding people whose skills complement your own. For example:

    • If you are a head chef, don’t bring in another head chef—find a front-of-house manager who excels in customer service and operations.
    • If you’re a strong front-of-house leader, seek partners with expertise in the kitchen. This way, every member of the team can focus on their area of strength, ensuring efficiency and harmony.

Characteristics of the Right Partner

To avoid partnering with the wrong individuals, look for three critical traits that are even more important than skill or talent:

  1. Work Ethic:

    • Hard work is non-negotiable. A lazy partner will not only fail to pull their weight but can also demotivate the rest of the team, leading to inefficiency and discord.
  2. Open-Mindedness and Communication Skills:

    • In a collaborative environment, no single person is always right. Successful teams are built on open communication, where everyone can contribute ideas and suggestions for the greater good.
  3. Good Temperament and Attitude:

    • A positive attitude is essential. Constant arguing or negative energy can create a toxic environment that drives away employees and ruins team morale.

These traits are the foundation of a successful partnership. Talent and technical skills can always be developed, but character is much harder to change. Remember, even the greatest basketball player, Michael Jordan, couldn’t win an NBA championship alone—he needed a strong team. Running a restaurant is no different.

Structure Your Team for Success

For a balanced and efficient team, I recommend starting with three core members:

  1. Head Kitchen Chef: Oversees food preparation, quality, and kitchen operations.
  2. Head Sushi Chef: Manages sushi-specific operations, ensuring authenticity and excellence.
  3. Head Front-of-House Manager: Handles customer service, staff management, and overall dining experience.

Each member should focus on their area of expertise, ensuring smooth operations without overlap or interference.

Securing Capital Through Your Team

When partners invest financially, it not only provides the necessary capital but also ensures their commitment to the success of the venture. This shared ownership fosters accountability and unity, reducing the likelihood of conflict.

By securing the right partners first, you’ve already completed 50% of the journey toward success. A strong, balanced team with complementary skills and aligned goals is the foundation of any successful restaurant.

By prioritizing team building and shared investment, you set your restaurant up for sustainable success from day one.